The purpose of this online assessment is not to tell you which Enneagram type you are, simply to start the process of your own self-discovery. The results of this test will provide you with information to help you decide for yourself – Never trust a computer to tell you who you are.
The following 36 questions present a statement, which will either be more true of you, or more false. Don’t worry about exact accuracy, simply choose whether it’s more like you or more unlike you. If you’re absolutely not sure, choose “Sometimes”
Remember to answer questions based on how you really are now, and not based on an idealized image of yourself. Answering based on how you would like to see yourself will not give you any better results, it will only make your results less accurate and lower the chance of identifying your type. Please be honest.
If you would like to discuss your results with Wes, request a Free Intro Session HERE.
If you would like to discuss your results with Wes, please fill out the contact form.